All our programmes are taught entirely in English. Children improve their comprehension of the english language without realizing it!

The programme includes classes taught entirely in English, which, along with the mathematical and analytical benefits derived from the abacus, enable students to improve their vocabulary and comprehension in Shakespeare’s mother tongue.
KidsBrain provides complete support and guidance outside of class hours through its specially-designed software and online platform. This includes specific software tutorials and online Practice Videos for each level, of which there are a total of 8.
All support services are designed to assist in the learning process and maximise each Child's accuracy and speed in performing mental arithmetic.
Each KidsBrain student is also provided with an official KidsBrain text book and an KidsBrain 17-rod abacus. Each student is also provided with a weekly planner which provides a comprehensive guide to the course and work schedule.
The KidsBrain online offering, text books and planner have been designed to allow students to practice and learn independently.
On the completion of each level, KidsBrain offers an examination to each student, with successful students receiving a certificate of achievement.